Health News
Preeclampsia May Be Linked to Kidney Failure
Pregnancy can be an exciting time for many women, but it also comes with some risks, including high blood pressure. And according to a recent study, high blood pressure during pregnancy may affect kidney health later in life.
The Pressure's On: Kidney Damage after Pregnancy
High blood pressure during pregnancy is a serious concern for mothers-to-be. In fact, a pregnant woman with blood pressure problems may even be faced with kidney disease after her baby is born.
Fetal Shunt Reduces Urinary Obstruction
Good news for pregnant moms carrying a baby with a rare birth defect affecting the urethra: treatment using a small tube called a shunt can reduce serious health risks for your baby.
Pregnancy after Kidney Transplant
Women with kidney disease or kidney failure often face fertility problems. If she is lucky enough to get a kidney transplant, a woman may improve her reproductive health. But is it still safe for her to get pregnant?