Health News

New Moms Need Their Blood Pressure Checked
Women who have pregnancy complications may feel relieved when a healthy delivery is in the past. But women who had high blood pressure while pregnant may want to let their doctor know.
Bigger Women May Seek Smaller Cuts
There is more than one way for a woman to get a hysterectomy, the procedure that removes a woman's uterus. Overweight women may want to explore those options.
Hormones Are No Heart Shield for Women
Women thinking about therapy to normalize their hormone levels have lots to keep in mind. For one, hormone therapy might not protect the heart.
FDA Approves the First Non-Hormonal Treatment for Hot Flashes Associated with Menopause
The US Food and Drug Administration today approved Brisdelle (paroxetine) to treat moderate to severe hot flashes (vasomotor symptoms) associated with menopause.
You Can Still Feel Sexy After Menopause
Has your sexual appetite gone down after menopause because of vaginal pain and discomfort? Is your intimate relationship suffering? Don't fret. You're not alone, and it can be treated!
Bone Density After Menopause
Maintaining strong bones as we age helps ensure a certain level of mobility and physical independence. Post-menopausal women whose bones might be prone to getting weaker and thinner often are scouting remedies to that.
An Okay Shot for Pregnant Moms
A pregnant woman should stay as healthy as possible to keep her baby safe and healthy. This includes protecting herself from infectious diseases.
Hormones May Not Help After Menopause
Women sometimes find the hormonal changes that come with menopause to be troublesome. Occasional mental fogginess is one of their complaints.
A Link Between BPA and Young Boys
About 2 to 5 percent of newborn boys have undescended testicles at birth. Usually, the testicles descend on their own by the time the child is 6 months old.
Estrogen Eased Anxiety in Anorexia
People with the eating disorder anorexia nervosa may also experience symptoms of anxiety. Hormone replacement therapy may, in some ways, ease certain anxieties in anorexia patients.