Health News

How Well Are Little Hearts Surviving?
The ability of doctors to care for newborns with birth defects continues to improve in the US. Babies who may have died from a serious defect decades ago are more likely to survive now.
Discussing Tea Time with Prenatal Docs?
Pregnant women have so many things to consider and discuss with their doctors as they prepare for birth, including the use of supplements or natural remedies. But is this subject getting enough discussion time between patients and physicians?
Sunshine for the Outside and In
While soaking up rays in moderation can be beneficial for the skin, sunlight and the vitamin D that comes with it can also help women on the inside.
Sleeping with a Baby on the Way
Difficulty sleeping is a common problem during pregnancy. Women often report being unable to sleep comfortably. However, how pregnant women sleep might affect their babies.
This Isn't Your Mom's IUD
Back in the early days of intrauterine devices, or IUDs, complications were more common. But today, IUDs are a safer method of birth control for all women, including younger ones.
Pregnancy Issues Now, Diabetes Later?
Both pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes are serious pregnancy complications that require medical attention. However, they might be signs of later health issues to watch for as well.
High BP Now, Heavier Menopause Later
High blood pressure during pregnancy can be harmful for both the mother and baby's health. But could it also affect the mother many years later, when she's sending that baby off to college?
Can Low-Carb Help Gestational Diabetes?
Gestational diabetes is one common pregnancy complication women might face. How much can a woman's diet influence her treatment for this condition?
Anorexia Loses When Period Returns
Dangerous weight loss as a result of an eating disorder can get in the way of a normal menstrual cycle. But when treatment works, girls gain weight and get their cycle back.
Father of Test Tube Babies Dies
The "father" of test tube babies, Sir Robert Edwards, passed away Wednesday. He and his research partner won the 2010 Nobel Prize in medicine for his work with IVF.