Health News

Breast is Best for the Brain Too
You may have heard that "breast is best" when it comes to feeding a baby. The benefits of breastfeeding are significant, but it has not always been clear how they extend to a baby's brain development.
A Little Laboring Help From Your Friends
Giving birth can be a beautiful thing for women, but it's rarely easy. Fortunately, there are ways to support women during their pregnancies, labors and deliveries. And that support makes a difference.
Hope for Cancer Survivors to Conceive
Women who are cancer survivors may worry about their ability to get pregnant. While new research suggests that getting pregnant may not be an issue for many of these women, it is still important that they discuss family planning with their doctor, who can help make the process easier.
Nothing Fishy Here About Autism
A tuna salad sandwich can be a healthy and tasty meal. But tuna and other fish can contain small amounts of mercury. Can these amounts increase a pregnant woman's risk of having a child with autism?
Kids Misbehaving Years After Mom Lit Up
Giving a child the best shot at a healthy life starts with a healthy pregnancy. Smoking during pregnancy may do more than just physical harm to the baby — behavioral problems may surface years later in the child.
A Stuffy Nose — and a Baby in the Tummy
Pregnancy can bring joy, but it can also bring various discomforts — especially if you get a cold while pregnant. Is there anything you can take for your sinuses while pregnant?
News Flash on Hot Flashes
Women literally lose their cool when hot flashes hit. Fanning, removing clothing or kicking off bed linens may be required for her to regain her physical - and feminine - cool. A recent study looked at which women seemed to get the hottest of hot flashes.
Saving Faces and Making New Smiles
Pregnant women can play an active role in lowering their baby's risk of being born with health issues. This is being highlighted during the month of July.
When Bigger Women Are Expecting
Part of being pregnant is gaining weight. Women who already carry extra pounds before getting pregnant, though, might face more risks than women who don't.
What to Eat, Drink and Take During Pregnancy
Pregnant women hear all sorts of advice about what to eat and what not to eat, what to drink and what not to drink, what to do and what not to do. But what is the best source for this important information?