Health News

A Crystal Ball of Moms' Type 2 Diabetes Risk
A woman who develops gestational diabetes during pregnancy is at a higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes later in life. But what about women with other pregnancy complications?
Bigger Isn't Better with a Baby
A woman's weight before she becomes pregnant can contribute to how her pregnancy plays out, regardless of how much weight she gains while pregnant.
Pregnancy, Asthma & Smoking: A Dangerous Threesome
Most pregnant women know that it's not wise to smoke while pregnant because of the possible effects on their unborn baby. Not smoking is even more important for asthmatic pregnant women.
Being Big Less Risky After the First Baby
Being overweight and pregnant has previously been shown to increase risks during delivery — but there may be more to the story than just a woman's weight that influences her risks.
What Mom's Painkiller Means for Baby
What a woman takes or eats while pregnant can often have an effect on her unborn child as well. This is especially true for certain medications a woman might take while pregnant.
What Type of Hysterectomy is Best?
The surgical removal of the uterus, or a hysterectomy, is the most common surgery in the United States. There are different methods for hysterectomy; so which one is a better option?
Menopause Is Not a Disease
Every woman will experience menopause. However, the public, doctors and even women themselves often view menopause as a disability.
Foster Children and Orphans Facing Fetal Disorders
Children not living with biological or adopted parents often already face greater challenges than other children. But events before their birth may add to those challenges.
How Does HIV Affect Menopause?
Recent advances in HIV treatment have allowed more HIV-infected women to live through and past menopause. But not much is known about the effects of HIV on menopause.
Mama, Mama, How Does Your Belly Grow?
Nearly all women gain weight during their pregnancy. This is normal and expected since they're growing a little human inside. But gaining too much or too little can present risks.