Aligning Electronic Health Records with Healthcare Reform
To speed implementation of an electronic health record (EHR) system in Canada, e-health policy must be closely aligned with the major strategic direction of health care reform.
Bone Drug Isn't All Bad
According to Australian researchers, taking bisphosphonates (drugs used to improve bone health) may increase the life span of elderly women.
Sprechen Sie Dementia?
People who speak two languages may be at less risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, according to a new study.
Fast-Food Nation
Fast food -- which is tremendously high in fat and salt content -- remains a favorite food for a number of patients who have had a heart attack.
Practice Makes Perfect
Radiologists who read more mammograms tend to be better at determining which suspicious breast lesions are cancer, according to a new report from the Institute of Medicine.
Teen Moms: Start Your Day Off Right
Breakfast is an important and oft neglected meal for everyone. A new study reinforces the importance of this morning meal by showing that teen mothers who eat breakfast have healthier weights and snacking habits.
More Unwanted Stuff from the Peanut Gallery
New York State Acting Agriculture Commissioner Darrel J. Aubertine today alerted consumers to undeclared peanuts in Dry Fruit “Kachori” , packaged and distributed by Maya Overseas Food Inc.
A Partnership to Improve Public Health
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Georgetown University Medical Center ( GUMC ) today announced a new partnership to stimulate innovation in regulatory science, ethics, education and training.
Prenatal Infection Prevention Month
To observe Prenatal Infection Prevention Month and to educate expectant mother's, here is a list of common prenatal infections and how to avoid them.
Drinking Early Leads to Drinking Later
The Rutgers Alcohol Problem Index (RAPI) is used to evaluate adolescent drinking related problems. A new study shows that RAPI is not only an effective screening method but also a predictor of alcoholism.