Lifting the Fog on Cataract Meds
Pirenoxine (PRX), a non-prescription medication found in eye drops used in China and other countries to prevent cataracts, may actually work, according to a new study.
The Key is in the Pee
Scientists have developed a simple home urine test that can determine if patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes are producing their own insulin.
Gene Expression and Metastasis in Head and Neck Cancer
A study of 222 cases of oral or oropharyngeal cancer has yielded startling results about the role of gene expression in metastasis.
Serotonin's Profile Expands
The neurotransmitter serotonin -- known for providing a sense of well-being and contentment in humans and implicated in depression and other psychiatric disorders -- has been shown to play a role in autism.
Mistakes Were Made
Once ovarian cancer has been diagnosed, it takes some general practitioners more than one month to record the diagnosis, according to a new study.
A Sneeze from Less Vitamin D
A new study shows that children with low vitamin D levels may have a greater likelihood of developing allergies.
Dangers of the Unknown
New research shows that elderly patients with undiagnosed high blood glucose may face an increased risk of dying in the hospital.
Locked-In Doesn't Mean Locked-Out from Happiness
Most patients with locked-in syndrome -- resulting from brain stem injury, which leaves patients unable to move or communicate except via eye movements -- report they are happy.