Pass the Salt!
Current guidelines tell diabetes patients to reduce the amount of salt in their diets. However, a new study by Australian researchers challenges this advice.
Must Be Something in the Water
New research reveals blue-green algae may be responsible for producing an estrogen-like compound in the environment, which has the potential to disrupt reproductive hormones.
Discovery Holds Hope for Pancreatic and Breast Cancer
Recent research has uncovered a protein implicated in both pancreatic and breast cancer tumors.
The Best-Laid Family Plans
Birth control, as opposed to low fertility rates, may account for smaller families in developing, low-income countries, according to a new study.
Take a Load Off
Osteoarthritis knee pain commonly afflicts retired professional athletes but also those who are obese. A simple solution to the problem may exist, however, according to a new study: lose weight.
Amped Up to Be Let Down
People who have used amphetamines such as benzedrine and dexedrine appear to be at increased risk of developing Parkinson's disease, according to a new study.
A New Way to Track an Age-Old Killer
Scientists at the University of Leicester at Singapore have developed a blood pressure-reading device that is set to revolutionize diagnostic technology.
Getting Started on Delaying Dementia
As life spans continue to increase, so the will risk of dementia in individuals, but new research from Sweden indicates people can minimize this risk.
Tracking Triglycerides
Stroke risk in men and women increases with higher levels of non-fasting triglycerides (a type of blood fat), according to new research.