Depressed and Mildly Manic
Most of the time you suffer from the blues. You're more down than up. But on some of your good days, you have lots of energy, get tons of things done and feel really, really good.
Effective Weight Loss with Diet and Exercise
Most people know that with exercise and diet, weight loss can be achieved. The actual pounds lost for most people are often less than the desired amount. The fact that many only use one strategy for weight loss could be the problem.
Allergy Season Shopping Ideas
Most people suffering from allergies can point to a specific trigger that makes their symptoms worse. What they may not know is that there are plenty of grocery store items that can sneak into their diet and add allergy symptoms.
Look both ways before you cross the street!
Parents and teachers encourage most children to memorize their name, phone number and address in case of an emergency. Autistic children should also learn the safety measures of crossing the streets and playing near a swimming pool.
Sound of Silence Vs. Sounds of Joy
Imagine watching videos on your computer without the option of sound. How about watching American Idol without sound? That is what it's like for the hard of hearing. What if the darkness of silence could be replaced with sounds of joy?
What Causes the Causes of MS
Researchers have had lots of challenges trying to understand what causes multiple sclerosis (MS). New research shows what may be the key driving force behind MS and similar diseases.
Weight Loss Drug Doesn't Work
Some obese people take weight-loss drugs to help deal with their health problem. One of these drugs, orlistat, may be harmful.  The drug already carries a black box warning for liver damage, which the FDA added last year.
New Hope for Advanced Melanoma Patients
White blood cells are the good guys, the soldiers of our immune system. They fight off disease, including cancer. But even when these cells have been specially trained to attack tumors, they haven't survived long enough to do any good against crafty, nasty melanoma cancer cells.
Canola Oil Protects Against Colon Cancer
Olive oil seems to be promoted as one of the healthiest oils. Flaxseed oil too. But ordinary canola oil is now being promoted as a cancer-fighting hero that's a healthy choice for everyday cooking.
Multiple Sclerosis - Tricky, Unpredictable, Incurable
When a friend asked Kimberly Zolotar what it was like having Multiple Sclerosis (MS), she couldn't immediately answer. Sharing her thoughts in the "My Turn" section of the Los Angeles Times , Kimberly wrote in 2008, "How could I possibly explain how it feels to have a potentially disabling, progressive and incurable neurological disease? It has been 13 years since my doctor told me I have MS, but the answer to my friend's question changes every day, sometimes every hour."