What Does Your Self Portrait Say?
It can be hard to open up to a stranger, even your own doctor. Some individuals find it easier to express themselves through drawing and writing. Doctors are now able to assess individuals for eating disorders by having them draw a self portrait.
Cup-O-Joe Doesn't Affect Blood Flow
People love their coffee. So, when news comes out that drinking too many 'cups of joe ' could be bad for your heart health, some coffee drinkers are naturally disappointed.
What Popular Diets Help Prevent Cancer?
Being overweight or obese does increase the risk of developing cancer. So losing the pounds is a good idea. But experts at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center say some popular diets are healthier and more effective in fighting cancer than others.
MS May Be Tied to Sunlight
Experts are not sure what causes multiple sclerosis (MS). It could be caused by a virus, genetics, or the environment around patients. Now researchers are pointing out two new things that may increase a person's risk of MS.
Smokers Left in Pain
Smoking is terrible for your health and leads to all sorts of problems. Researchers have found yet another problem related to smoking; some arthritis drugs may not work for patients who smoke.
Fixing Heartburn: No Need for the Knife
For some people, dealing with their heartburn is as easy as taking an over-the-counter drug. For others the problem is severe enough to require surgery to fix their heartburn. However, doctors have a way to get rid of heartburn without making patients go under the knife.
Do Food Additives Make Foods Addictive?
What makes foods addictive? Why do we crave a candy bar or milkshake and not a steak or an orange?
Some Prostate Cancers Don't Need to be Treated
Men aged 65 and older who are diagnosed with a low-risk form of prostate cancer don't need to jump right into treatment. Delaying surgery and radiation doesn't pose added risk of death as long as the cancer is closely monitored.
The Right Diet Can Save Your Kidneys
Changing your diet can help with many different health problems. New research supports this point by showing that patients who eat a certain kind of diet can protect their kidneys from the damage caused by diabetes.
Fruits Not So Peachy Keen for Asthma and Allergy Protection
Former studies have given credence to the message that fruits and vegetables in a child's diet appear to reduce the risk of developing asthma, hay fever and allergies. Now scientists say: Not so much.