Talk with Your Doc
Talking with your doctor is important when you're dealing with any health problem. If you and your doctor have good communication, you will have an easier time taking care of your health. Not talking with you doctor can make your problems worse.
Health Today Matters Tomorrow
It can be hard these days to know what's healthy and what's not. One food could be good for you today but raise your risk of disease tomorrow. Some habits are obviously unhealthy. While lots of young people have these bad habits, they think they're living healthily.
Dance of the Asthma Fairies Discovered
Scientists have now seen causes of asthma attacks in the shape of immunoglobulin E( IgE) and how it moves and twists during IgE's attachment to the receptor proteins on the surface of mast cells. After 15 years of research, what a beautiful sight this must be.
Is Business Travel Bad?
Are you a person that does a lot of traveling for work? Did you ever think that the amount of travel you did for work could affect your health?  Employees that travel frequently have higher body mass indexes (BMI), lower HDL (good cholesterol), and higher diastolic pressure.
Dietary Fats and Prostate Health
You can't turn around without hearing praise for the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. Likewise, trans-fatty acids are considered one of the most unhealthful substances we can eat. Well, hold your horses - when it comes to prostate health, all that's wrong!
New Diabetes Drug
As diabetes becomes a bigger and bigger problem, it is welcome news when new treatments for the disease become available. The FDA has approved a new drug to help patients with type 2 diabetes control their blood sugar.
Photo Finish First Year For Avastin and Lucentis
A two year study has pitted Avastin and Lucentis against each other. After the first year, the results are a photo finish.  Lucentis is 40 times more expensive than Avastin but the study finds no measurable increased benefit from prescribing Lucentis.
Ibuprofen May Cause Erectile Dysfunction
Mae West probably wasn't the first to notice "It's not the man in your life but the life in your man," but she certainly said it best. If you've been taking ibuprofen three times a day for over three months, you may want to lay off the ibuprofen.
Drumming Out Surgery for Broken Drums
Cotton swabs are convenient tools to clean out the ears, but care needs to used, as most eardrum ruptures are attributed to their overzealous use.
Prenatal Pollution Policy
Most pregnant women are quite diligent regarding their physical health. Pregnant women try to get more sleep, eat properly and avoid alcohol and cigarettes. Now there is one more thing to try and avoid: Pollution.