Nature Can Fight Cancer Too
If you strolled by it in a field, you'd probably think the purple flower was a weed. Milk thistle has in fact been used for thousands of years in herbal remedies. If recent animal studies pan out, its treatment uses may be expanded to cancer.
Does Your Blood Type Indicate Stroke Risk?
Some individuals may be at a higher risk of stroke simply by nature of their blood type. Those with blood type AB may be at an increased risk of stroke regardless of other factors.
Fish Fends Off Diabetes
When it comes to preventing diabetes, your diet is extremely important. Some foods are high in unhealthy fats and can increase your risk of the disease. Other foods, like fish, may reduce your risk.
FDA Approves First Drug to Treat a Rare Bone Marrow Disease
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved Jakafi ( ruxolitinib ), the first drug approved to specifically treat patients with the bone marrow disease myelofibrosis .
Early Lung Cancer Diagnosis Linked to COPD
Two of the world's biggest killers are linked and new ways are needed to combat them. New research shows early detection of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) can lead to better diagnosis of lung cancer.
An AIDS-Free Generation
In November, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made an ambitious statement: An AIDS-free generation is possible. Clinton believes the epidemic can be ended in America within our lifetimes.
Gout Drug May Love Your Heart
Patients that develop a common heart arrhythmia may benefit from an unexpected drug. A medication used to treat gout appears to reduce the incidence of atrial fibrillation following heart surgery.
Reducing Colorectal Cancer Screening's Ouch
Even thinking about a colonoscopy is most unpleasant, despite the fact that the procedure is usually very simple. Another tool is available that could increase the numbers of folks who undego this vitally important screening.
20% of Americans have a hearing problem
The number of Americans who struggle with hearing loss might surprise you. A fifth of Americans over the age of 12 have hearing loss severe enough to make communication difficult.
Inflammatory Breast Cancer Breakthrough
Women with inflammatory breast cancer - one of the worst forms of the disease - have reason to cheer. Scientists have made a discovery that opens the door for the treatment of this currently untreatable type of breast cancer.