Green Tea May Lower Cholesterol
Chalk up another benefit for green tea. Drinking the beverage or taking supplements containing compounds from the tea may reduce cholesterol by several points, potentially giving patients another tool in their arsenal for heart health.
Mediterranean Diet Protects Heart
Not all diets are created equal. Ditching the white bread and instead opting for unsaturated fats common in nuts, olive oil and avocados may offer added protection for the heart.
Sleep + Play = Healthy Kids
It's the complaint of many parents today - their kids spend far too much time in front of computer or TV screens, often far into the night which also cuts into important sleep time.
Walk Your Heart to Health
Hold off on getting a stent if you suffer from peripheral artery disease (PAD). A simpler and less invasive supervised exercise program may better improve walking ability in patients with clogged blood vessels to the legs.
From Spinal Pain to Heart Disease
Ankylosing spondylitis is a disease that causes inflammation in the spine. On top of dealing with the pain, patients with ankylosing spondylitis may need to pay more attention to their heart health.
Smoke-Inhalation a Major Concern for Burn Patients
Burn patients have more to worry about than just what's on the outside. A new study shows the impact of smoke inhalation on burn patients.
Long-Term Benefits With MS Drug
Primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) has no established course of treatment. But follow up results from a drug trial provide a glimmer of hope for patients.
Globally Anxious
While a business intelligence report released earlier this year forecasted a financial growth in the global anxiety disorders market, the humane effects cause medical concern.
NASCAR Provides Answers to Reduce Smoking
One of the major risks factors for head and neck cancers is smoking. New studies show community-based screenings may reduce smoking habits and reduce the risk of head and neck cancer.
Love Your Mate, Not AIDS
If your long-term partner has HIV, you're at a high risk for infection. But medical research is creating options to safeguard yourself and your partner against transmitting the virus.