Young Women can Reduce Breast Disease Risks
It's scary for girls who have a family history of breast disease. They want to know what they can do to avoid the diseases they've seen in their mothers, aunts and/or grandmothers. Now, they have some answers.
OCD Leaves Hoarding Out
The Emmy-nominated television series Hoarders  fascinates America, taking a look into the lives of individuals incapable of parting with their possessions.
Awareness Detected in Vegetative Patients
As many as 19 percent of brain-damaged patients in a vegetative state may be aware of their surroundings and capable of communicating, research has revealed.
A Vaccine Against Breast and Ovarian Cancer Being Studied
Won't it be just fantastic when a woman could be vaccinated against breast cancer and ovarian cancer? What a relief that will be! Well, scientists are getting closer to making this a reality.
Low Oxygen Linked to More Fatalities After Brain Injury
For patients with severe traumatic brain injury, a low supply of oxygen to the brain following the injury carries substantial risk. It can significantly contribute to death or disability, a recent study shows.
Autistic People Don't Care What Others Think
People with autism approach and deal with social interactions much differently than other people, and often struggle with relationships and social life. Autistic people process information in unusual ways but are often very high functioning in other areas.
Biology of Depression Linked to Dementia
From a biological level, severe depression and dementia in older adults look remarkably similar, psychiatrists have found. A new brain scan technique can pinpoint where protein deposits are accumulating.
Mini Strokes May Shorten Life By 20 Percent
After a mini stroke, the main concern is usually the risk of an ischemic stroke. New research suggests such an event may also reduce your life expectancy by 20 percent.
Blood Clots a Common Risk for Some Cancer Patients
As if cancer treatment isn't rigorous enough, patients are often at risk of additional medical problems for months afterwards. New research has uncovered that some cancer patients face an increased risk of developing blood clots.
PTSD Potency
You may be carrying biological attributes within your genes that increase your risk of developing post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Researchers say that the potency of your PTSD may depend on your traumatic trigger.