Harnessing Double Edged Sword Powers
We think of the immune system as our body's white knight - our protector from invaders. It turns out that this knight has a deadly side as well. Early research indicates a way of harnessing both powers could lead to new healing therapies.
The Basics of Alzheimer’s Disease
According to the National Institute on Aging, an estimated 5.1 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s Disease.  Symptoms typically develop in people over 60 and can interfere with daily life dramatically as the disease progresses.
Metastasis Free Prostate Cancer Drug
One of the largest risks of cancer development is metastasis. A new prostate cancer drug in early stages of development has shown the ability to shut down metastasis entirely.
Environmental Disaster Divides Families
You might think that a disaster or serious illness affecting your family and community would bring people together - overcoming differences in the face of adversity.
No Need to Block B3 Side Effects
Niacin, also known as vitamin B3 , is the only drug that boosts good HDL cholesterol. Patients commonly stop taking it because of facial flushing, also known as the "niacin flush."
Sleep Can Fight Off Obesity & Diabetes
It's not just how much sleep you get that plays a part in your health - it's also when you sleep. An out-of-whack biological clock can mean poor health and higher risk of disease.
Boosting Pancreatic Cancer Chemotherapy
In the latest re-evaluation of pancreatic cancer chemotherapy, recent research concluded that using the standard drugs alongside some less well known supplements as a booster improved treatment results.
Corneal Thickness Foreshadows Rare Eye Disorder
For patients with an uncommon, painful eye condition that can gradually lead to blindness, the ability to identify and treat it early could be key to management of the disorder.
Is it Really Alzheimer’s?
Correct diagnosis is key to the proper treatment of any disease. Alzheimer’s disease is responsible for 60%-80% of dementia cases, yet it is often misdiagnosed. New testing drugs are being created to increase diagnostic accuracy.
Fish Oil Doesn't Cut Heart Risk
Omega-3 fatty acids, commonly found in fish, squid, flaxseed and plant oils, may not be your ticket to heart health. Omega-3 supplements were not found to protect cardiovascular patients from future heart events.