Grandma's Pillbox Isn't Kids' Candy
If you're heading over the river and through to the woods to grandmother's house, make sure grandma has put her medications far out of reach from the little ones.
Prostate Cancer One-Ups Warren Buffett
One of the world's best business men and investors, Warren Buffet, has announced that he has early prostate cancer.
Spice Lowers Heart Attack Risk After Surgery
An Indian spice popular in curry appears to offer the heart a protective benefit following coronary artery bypass grafting. New research suggests turmeric may help prevent heart attacks after the operation.
Migraines Linked to Suicide Risk
Individuals who suffer from severe headaches, even if they're not migraines, are more likely to attempt suicide. Researchers said the increase could be due to the associated pain severity.
Fetal Exposure to Meth & Emotional Instability
What the mother consumes, the fetus consumes. Study shows emotional problems later in life are common among young children whose mothers used methamphetamines while pregnant.
High BMI may not Hurt Chances After Surgery
Obesity is now known to increase the risk of a number of cancers, including esophageal. The exact nature of the association between body mass index (BMI) and esophageal cancer is now clearer and somewhat surprising.
Pollen Counts Soaring in Europe
Allergy sufferers in America should dry their tears as they are not alone. Pollen counts are rising in Europe and in America there has been an early start to the allergy season.
Testosterone Offers Heart Failure Benefit
For patients with moderate to severe heart failure, testosterone supplements may be beneficial, allowing those with the condition to breathe better and engage in more physical activity.
Smoking out Lung Cancer Risks
Cancers don't behave the same in all bodies. Depending on the molecules involved, one cancer could be very different in one person than it is in another. This is becoming particularly clear in lung cancer.
Air Pollution Link to Childhood Obesity
It may not just be chicken nuggets and french fries adding too much weight to children's waistlines. The very air pregnant women breathe might play a small role too.