Moms: Lose Weight Before Pregnancy
Every parent's hope is to bring a healthy baby into the world. Women planning a pregnancy can increase those chances by first taking a good look at their own health - and their weight.
Tobacco, Gender and Oral Cancer
Following the smoke led one researcher to an interesting piece of science regarding cancer metabolism, and led her to develop a model showing likelihood of cancer recurrence.
Allergen Extracts Have High Safety Standards
You may think of extracts as cooking ingredients but many extracts are used for medical purposes. A new study shows that many non-standardized allergen extracts are safe for diagnosis and treatment.
Easier Cancer Screening Stool Tool Developed
Treating colon cancer early is important, but due to the inconvenience of colonoscopy, many people never get screened. A new test for colon cancer is being evaluated that may improve compliance.
Stress, Inflammation and Cancer
Stress goes by many names, but on a cellular level that name is inflammation. A number of biological activities can cause inflammation, so can the stresses of unhealthy lifestyles.
Reading Emotion From Faces
Teens with borderline personality disorder may have decreased ability to read minor facial expressions of emotion. This difference may help to explain relationship difficulties for people with this disorder.
New Treatment for OCD
Compulsive checking, a behavior related to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), can lead to debilitating behavior. Current treatments and therapies have low success rates, but some are taking a new approach.
Even a Little Overweight is Bad for Baby
If you think being just a little overweight won't present problems for your pregnancy, think again. Addressing your weight could mean a safer delivery for you and your baby.
Air Pollution's Effect on Asthma
Air pollution is a concern for many but its effects on lung health is unknown. A new study sheds light on how what is in the air may affect the number of people with asthma or poor lung health.
FDA Safety Warnings Change for Birth Control Pill
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a safety warning for birth control pills containing drospirenone . Birth control containing this synthetic hormone may put women at increased risk for blood clots.