Vascular Health & Depression
Which comes first? Poor vascular health or depression? It appears that depression is tightly linked to the health of the blood vessels and onset comes along with risk factors from peripheral artery disease (PAD).
Warning Label Changes for Antidepressant
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) updated the warning labels on Celexa , an antidepressant. The new label warns against increased risk for changes in heart rhythms for some patients using higher doses of the drug.
Measles Coming Back - Are You Protected?
Measles has typically remained rare in the U.S., unlike the years before the vaccines when children died each year from it. But 2011 was different: measles cases quadrupled in the U.S.
Caffeine May Relieve Dry Eyes
Patients suffering from dry eye syndrome may find relief from an unexpected source. New research suggests that caffeine may help the eye produce tears, potentially relieving the uncomfortable dryness.
Possible Cause of CRS is Identified
Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) sure knows how to overstay its welcome. New research is discovering potential targets to cut the disease's visit short.
Brain Imaging Study Surprises Scientists
Getting the right diagnosis and treatment for disorders of the brain's connectivity and signaling can be a challenge. However, surprising results from a new imaging study may offer hope.
Air Pollution Increasing Hospitalization Risk
A long-term study of older adults has revealed that extended exposure to fine particle air pollution may result in an increased risk of hospitalization for heart and lung disease or diabetes.
Therapy From a Computer?
Computers are helping in many aspects of medicine these days, but what about with mental health issues? Adolescents may find it easier to communicate with a computer than with an adult.
Cystic Fibrosis Goes 3-D
Movies are not the only thing getting the 3-D treatment. Researchers are using 3-D models of cystic fibrosis to discover new targets for treatment.