Putting the Screws to Resistant Tumors
Cancer is one masterful disease process. Why? It's a master at finding its way around obstacles like treatment drugs. That's why it may take a combination approach to put the screws to some cancers.
Genetic Protection Urged
In the last decade, an explosion in gene research and subsequent genetic tests have offered new insight into genetic diseases. However, this new push also comes with concerns over protecting genetic information.
Telerehab Improves Post-stroke Fitness
Rehabilitation after a stroke can be key to regaining functioning, but it can be a challenge for patients who live far from a facility that offers stroke rehab or who cannot attend a supervised program.
Fish Show How Cancer Grows
Genetic studies in a laboratory favorite, zebrafish , have shown that a pediatric cancer has more than one type of cell involved. Some cancer cells specialize in metastasis while others are content to stay where they are.
Seizure-Free Depends on First Treatment
Having a seizure-free life is a common goal for those living with epilepsy. It often takes several attempts to find the right medication to control seizures and fits.
Bread and Brain Cancer
One of the most important parts of medical science in pregnancy has been showing the effects of the maternal environment on the developing child.
Using Nanocrystals, The Big Picture of Tiny Images
Size isn't always the best indicator of danger when it comes to cancer, and a lot of imaging technology like MRIs and CT scans use different tricks to get the best picture possible of tiny tumors.