ICU Risks Associated with Medications
Mental health medications have come a long way over the past several decades. Yet doctors are still learning the effects of the newest drugs on the market and their links to conditions.
Air Pollution and Asthma Don't Mix
Pregnant moms, listen up: Stay away from areas with high air pollution. It can hurt your growing baby, especially if your child develops asthma.
Schizophrenia Drug Counteracts Leukemia
Scientists have long observed that the same molecule can have a variety of different functions in the body depending on where it is at that moment.
Quicker Treatment = Added Longevity
A study has confirmed that faster treatment for severe heart attack patients results in better clinical outcomes.
Aspirin Cuts Blood Clot Risk
Following a blood clot patients commonly take warfarin (Coumadin) to prevent a recurrence. It may be just as safe and effective for those individuals to later switch to aspirin.
Sex & Prostate Cancer
Not only is prostate cancer tough, the toll it takes on sexual function doesn’t make things any easier. A little support from peers and professionals can help.
If It's "Just Right," Babies Will Learn
Goldilocks Baby tried the calculus problem but thought "Too hard!" She tried picking up a block. "Too easy!" She settled on putting rings on a post. "Just right!" And so babies learn.
You Are When You Eat
If munching around the clock is your norm, you may be finding the numbers on the scale going up. But it's not how much you're eating. It's when you're eating it.
More Doesn't Always Mean Better Surgery
Does volume equate to quality? If a hospital performs more surgeries, it stands to reason that patient outcomes are better, right? Not necessarily.
Asthma Meds Tied to Heart Arrhythmias
A type of inhaled asthma medication appears to slightly increase the risk that children or young adults will develop a potentially deadly heart arrhythmia.