Corn Sugar Name Change - Not
High fructose corn syrup won't get its requested healthier-sounding name. The United States Food and Drug Administration officials have denied a request by the Corn Refiners Association to rename its sweetening agent corn sugar.
Genetic Mutation Hikes Blood Pressure
A genetic mutation in small tumors of the adrenal glands appears to have interesting consequences. Researchers found that the gene mutation can cause sodium retention and subsequent hypertension.
You Can Do It!
When you have a long list of unhealthy habits, it can feel intimidating to figure out how to begin turning your lifestyle around. Fortunately, just two things have a big impact.
Dark Chocolate's Sweet Treat for the Heart
Yet another study suggests dark chocolate may be a tasty and inexpensive way to protect your heart. Even better for chocolate fans, the new research suggests you should eat it every day.
Genes, Meds & Smoking
What if different smoking cessation methods were needed for smokers with different genes? This could mean that not all smokers would find success with the same approaches to quitting.
Clearing the Smoke on Lung Cancer Screenings
Behind skin, prostate and breast cancers, lung cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed - and most lethal - malignancies in this country, affecting the lives of 220,000 Americans and taking the lives of another 165,000 every year.  
Vigorous Exercise Protects Arteries
Maintaining a high level of fitness into middle age does more than promote overall cardiovascular health. It also appears to protect blood vessels from hardening typically associated with age or plaque build up.
Global Eye Doctor Shortage Growing
More than 200,000 ophthalmologists are in practice around the world. However, the number of new eye doctors is not growing at a pace capable of meeting the needs of a large aging population.
Categorizing Bipolar Disorder
Everyone goes through phases of highs and lows. You get a new job and feel particularly up for a month - you go through a break up and feel down for a while. However, for those with bipolar disorder the normal swings between highs and lows become severe and extremely disruptive to normal life functions and relationships.
Calming Autism: A Team Effort
Some of the hardest parts of coping with autism can be managing the destructive behaviors that children with an autism spectrum disorder ( ASD ) often display and the strain these outbursts can put on family relationships.