Does Salt Damage Blood Vessels?
Eating foods packed with salt over an extended period appears to cause a damaging build up in the blood vessels. That abundance of salt also increases the risk of developing high blood pressure.
Hospitalizations Increase for Hypertensive Kids
As obesity has increased in recent years, children have increasingly struggled with high blood pressure. A new study found that the number of pediatric hypertension-related hospitalizations has nearly doubled over a decade.
Colicky Baby Remedy
Colic in babies is a disruptive problem without an easy solution, and can often drive new parents to the edge of sanity. Treating colic may be simpler than many parents may realize.
Pain Management By "Adele"
Most people listen to music for their own pleasure, but many are unaware of how profoundly it affects them. These effects may lead music to become an important psychological treatment.
Pay Attention to Coffee and Tea
Many people cannot stay productive at work without their favorite beverage. It turns out that there may be more to this than a coffee habit.
Is Exercise Best for Low Back Pain?
Chronic degenerative-related low back pain can be challenging to manage. A recent study highlights an alternative approach to the commonly prescribed exercise therapy.
Anxious or Depressed? Or Both?
When it rains it pours, they say. The old adage may hold more truth than expected when it comes to mental health diagnosis. Commonly, those who are diagnosed with depression are also suffering from anxiety as well. This seems to hold true for both unipolar and bipolar depressive disorders, and it presents unique challenges for both patient and clinician. Difficulties in Diagnosis Proper diagnosis of depression and anxiety disorders is difficult. For starters, patients commonly report physical symptoms, like back or chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue and loss of appeti...
Elderly Smokers Should Quit Too
Most smoking cessation studies are done on middle-aged subject’s statistical data. Recent evidence suggests that quitting smoking even in a person’s 80s can extend and improve life.
Children’s Anxiety 2.0
Anxious children often become anxious adults. Changing thought patterns early on may improve the quality of life for those with anxiety disorders.
Preventing Drug Abuse in Depressed Youths
Adolescents who get treatment for their major depressive disorder ( MDD ) before they begin abusing drugs are less likely to start. Early treatment is the best prevention method.