Health News

The Pill Cuts Down on Menstrual Pain
A lot of women cope with severe menstrual cramps every month. If you battle painful periods, a recent study says the most effective treatment is the pill.
Teens Having Sex Are Clueless
Is your teenage daughter smart about protected sex? Maybe not: A government study reports that teen girls aren’t doing much to prevent pregnancy.
Obesity During Pregnancy Inflames Risks
If you’re obese and pregnant, a nutritious diet may not ensure you have an easy pregnancy and a healthy baby. A new study shows that inflammation in your body, caused by obesity, can have harmful health effects for both the mother and child.
Antidepressants Increase Hypertension Risks
Several research teams have focused on the effects of antidepressants taken while pregnant. A new study suggests medications taken during pregnancy may increase the risk of a pulmonary disease in newborns.
Eat Mindfully at Your Favorite Haunts
Avoiding restaurants because of your diet? A new study says you may not have to if you make smart, "mindful" choices.
Hit Me With Your Best Shot
A vaccine to protect against herpes has shown some success for one strain of the virus, offering researchers hope that they're on the right path to a more comprehensive vaccine.
For Women, Sex is Like Fine Wine
Women may not have as much sexual desire once they're well past middle age, but they are still enjoying it - and their sexual satisfaction improves as they age.
Social Dynamics in the Home Matter
Although it may seem unnatural to discuss family issues to fix individual disorders, this practice recently helped patients recovering from anorexia nervosa.  
Thyroid Check for Prenatal Care?
More pregnant women may have low thyroid levels than doctors currently realize - over five times more than the currently accepted rate of two to three percent.
Ovulation May Raise Risk for Infection
Feeling sick? It may be due to your monthly cycle. Spanish and Austrian researchers studied the effects of the sex hormone estradiol (which triggers ovulation) in mice.