Health News

Do Contraceptives Increase Your Cancer Risks?
You're taking the pill, or maybe you've tried one of the injectable contraceptives. Now you hear something about an association between birth control and cancer and you start to freak. No need to.
Dark Chicken May Benefit Heart
Got high cholesterol? Consider grabbing a drumstick. Those with high cholesterol may receive an added benefit from eating chicken or turkey -- specifically from consuming a nutrient in dark meat.
Vitamin D Fights Menstrual Cramps
Do you constantly battle severe cramps? A new study says that a surge of the “sunshine vitamin” may be able to help.
Fast Is Better for First-Trimester Miscarriage
Miscarrying a child is a difficult, emotional experience for a woman. Some women who experience first-trimester loss choose to lose the baby naturally, without immediate medical intervention.
After Menopause Trans Fat Intake Ups Risk
High consumption of trans fats such as fried or processed foods may catch up with women later in life. Postmenopausal women who indulge in higher amounts of trans fats appear to be at an increased risk of stroke.
Does Ecstasy Hurt Unborn Babies?
Using ecstasy is no way to escape the discomfort of pregnancy. The first study to look at its impact on babies reveals it can cause developmental delays that might spell trouble later.
Citrus Fruits Lower Stroke Risk for Women
Citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits do more than function as a tasty snack. In women, a compound found in citrus fruits also appears to lower the risk of stroke.
Nutrition Affects Unborn Babys Immune System
Pregnant moms know that nutrition during pregnancy can impact a baby’s growth. But did you know that what you take into your body before you’re pregnant may be able to help your baby fight off disease?
Painless Heart Attacks Deadly for Women
Women, especially those that are younger, are more likely to suffer a heart attack without painful chest symptoms. A new study suggests they also are less likely to survive.
Endometriosis Increases Risks of Ovarian Cancer
Millions of women and girls in the United States and around the world suffer from the painful, chronic condition known as endometriosis. Recent research indicates this condition could be a risk factor for ovarian cancer.