Health News

Balancing Medication With Pregnancy
When diseases occur during childbearing years, it’s not always possible to stop treatment for the disease. Doctors and patients must balance the concern for the drug's possible effects on pregnancy with the concern for disease relapse.
Do You Have Dense Breasts?
Women need to know whether or not they have dense breasts for a couple of reasons – important reasons. Breast density can affect breast cancer risks and therefore cancer screenings.
Underdog to Exercise Harder
Having a healthy rivalry is good. That edge is just the push to help people work out longer and harder.
Is Pre-Eclampsia Bad for the Heart?
A common pregnancy complication is pre-eclampsia. It involves high blood pressure and has been linked to later heart disease. But not all women with it have the same risks.
Does Mammography Radiation Increase Cancer Risks?
Have you heard that radiation from mammography can cause other cancers? Maybe you’ve heard recommendations that a shield be used to protect the thyroid. A new study took a look at these concerns.
Cool, Calm and Collected with Menopause
Relax. It can help reduce your troubles, even with menopause.
New School Vs. Old School Paps
What type of Pap smear do gynecologists use? If the sampling method is the same, a patient may not know what type of lab techniques are used to search for cervical cancers.
Advances in Fertility Treatment Produce More Babies
Many women today face reproductive and fertility issues that keep them from getting pregnant "the natural way". Modern fertility treatments are allowing these women the chance to reproduce at a more natural birth rate.
Bulimia From Stress
Girls can tear up their bodies in reaction to stress, especially if they have impulsive personality traits. Teaching positive coping methods may help these girls avoid eating disorders.
Physical Therapy for Women's Bladders
Trouble holding it? For women, physical therapy can help them have less pain and better control of their bladder. About two-thirds of women felt much better after getting physical therapy, according to a new study. The more therapy women can get, the better the results.