Health News
More TV, Less Sleep for Kids
Sleep is very important to health, especially for children who are still physically developing. Anything that might interfere with sleep, such as TV, might lead to poor long-term habits.
No Sleep Could Put Patients at Risk for Stroke
Insomnia can negatively affect your health in many ways because of the stress that lack of sleep puts on your body. It's possible that this stress could even affect your heart health in a big way.
Heart Failure Patients Need Their Sleep
Lack of sleep can put some serious stress on your body — especially if you are already recovering from organ failure. It's possible that not sleeping could land you right back in the hospital.
Sleeplessness Tied to Heart Health
Not getting enough sleep is a common complaint, but a regular lack of sleep can be unhealthy. Being routinely sleep deprived can tax the body, including the heart.
Anti-Anxiety Meds Tied to Doubled Death Risk
Prescription medications were designed to help prevent illness and death, not cause it. But new research suggests some common medications could increase the risk of an early death.
Too Little Sleep Linked to Diabetes and Obesity
Sometimes, we take sleep for granted. But getting a good night’s sleep can be key to maintaining a healthy metabolism and preventing diabetes and obesity.
Too Much TV, Too Little Sleep
It may be tempting to park a child in front of the TV for a couple hours a day. But that peace and quiet may backfire if the child sleeps less at night.

Tips to Wake Up Beautiful
We can't always look like a million bucks first thing in the morning, but these tips can help you wake up on the right side of the bed. #IWokeUpLikeThis

Surprising Side Effects of Sleeping Pills
Sleeping pills help people fall asleep and are available over-the-counter or through prescription. Unfortunately, they can have side effects that you may not expect.
One Quarter of Middle-Aged Women Unhappy with Sleep Quality
Previous studies have found that middle-aged women have more sleep issues than middle-aged men. However, it's not clear why this is.