Health News

Quitting Tougher for Some Pregnant Women
Knowing not to smoke during pregnancy and actually quitting are two different things. It can be very tough to give up smoking, especially if you have other conditions.
More Chemicals, More Time to Pregnancy
Researchers are learning more all the time about how chemicals in the environment affect our bodies. Much research focuses on children and conceiving a child.
Reading and Teen Pregnancy
Social inequality has long been linked to higher rates of teen pregnancy, but can anything be specifically targeted to help prevent teen pregnancy?
A Vicious Cycle Can Begin in Pregnancy
How do bullies choose their victims? There are probably several reasons. But one of them may have to do with the victims of the bullying before they're even born.
Not While Pregnant – Not One Drop
It's clear that heavy drinking while pregnant can harm a baby. But research has been less clear about whether only a few drinks makes a difference. Until now.
When the Body Turns on Itself
Some people's immune systems produce antibodies that fight parts of their own bodies. These aren’t always a big deal. But sometimes they can contribute to stroke or miscarriage risk.
Common Chemicals a Problem for Kids
Sometimes trying to address one problem can cause another. This may be the case with flame retardant chemicals. They are supposed to help prevent fires, b ut they may cause health issues.
Autism Link to Flu in Pregnancy is Weak
Getting sick while pregnant may make expectant moms feel even more ill at ease. Will the illness affect your child? Can it increase his or her risk of autism? So far, it seems unlikely.
Preemie Birth Rate Drops in US
Being born too early can increase babies' risk of various health problems. But there's good news. Fewer and fewer babies are being born too early in the US.
Sunlight Vitamin’s Benefits in Pregnancy
African-American women are already prone to not getting enough vitamin D. When they are pregnant, lacking this nutrient might influence their mental health.