Health News

The Pressure's On: Kidney Damage after Pregnancy
High blood pressure during pregnancy is a serious concern for mothers-to-be. In fact, a pregnant woman with blood pressure problems may even be faced with kidney disease after her baby is born.
From One Womb to Another
A mother's habits while pregnant often have consequences for the baby down the road. Tobacco and alcohol use are two common examples of harmful lifestyle behaviors that affect a baby in the womb.
Flu Shot Protects Mom and Unborn Baby
With a flu pandemic going on, public health authorities are encouraging everyone to get flu shots. But pregnant women may worry – will the shot hurt my baby?
Hidden Risks for IVF Moms
As technology progresses, researchers must learn both the benefits and risks that new medical procedures offer. Using in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) to have a baby is one such technology.
Asthma Not Linked to Birth Weight
As asthma rates have climbed in recent years, researchers have tried to understand all the possible causes of the condition. Now, at least one possible factor can be ruled out.
Blood Clot Searching During Pregnancy
Pregnant women are at higher risk for blood clots, which can be fatal. Doctors use ultrasound tests to look for clots, but it's not clear whether those tests are good enough.
Start Breathing Easier, Mom-to-Be
It's no secret that pregnancy can affect women's sleep. But some kinds of sleep disturbances can be dangerous to her unborn baby. Seeking treatment may help. A recent study looked at the effect of treating abnormal breathing during sleep in women with pre-eclampsia .
Mama's Diabetes After Delivery
Pregnant women with type 1 diabetes need excellent blood sugar control. Fortunately, many diabetic women bring their blood sugar to normal levels during pregnancy. But how do they fare after the baby is born?
Diabetes in Pregnancy Can Be Costly
Bringing a baby into this world means more than extra responsibility. It also means extra costs, especially if you have diabetes during pregnancy.
Dad, Don't Suck it Up
Mental illness often runs in families. Children are generally at a higher risk for a mental disorder if a parent has one. These patterns can show up very early in children's lives.