Health News

Sunlight Benefits for the Womb
Being born underweight is linked to a variety of possible health problems, including chronic diseases. It's therefore helpful to know ways to reduce the risk of having too-small babies.
From Smog to Small Babies
In hopes of having a healthy baby, most women try to make good choices during their pregnancies. Some choices, like which foods to eat and what exercise to do, are easy to make. But they can't always choose the air they breathe.
Ozone Level Linked to Pregnancy Outcomes
Many cities and states announce Ozone Action Days when local ozone levels are high. Those may be good days for pregnant women to stay indoors.
Can We Lower Babies' Schizophrenia Risk?
Some mental disorders are linked to specific genes. But that does not mean a person with a certain gene is destined to develop that disorder. Healthy practices may decrease the risk.
New Vaccine Schedule Released
Experts regularly meet to determine the most appropriate schedule for children to receive their immunizations against infectious diseases. The newest schedule has just been released.
Obese Mamas Pass Along Less Vitamin D
Pregnant women are advised to take prenatal vitamins to ensure they get all the nutrients they need. But their weight may play a role in how many of those nutrients reach their baby.
Didn't Think Kids Would Raise Your Blood Pressure This Early?
It's normal to have a slightly higher blood pressure after giving birth. However, some women are at higher risk than others for longer term blood pressure issues from pregnancy.
Good to Go for Second Pregnancy
The safety of childbirth has increased dramatically over the years. But there are still risks, including hemorrhage. However, a hemorrhage doesn't appear to affect future pregnancies.
Fatty Acids During Pregnancy
If you are pregnant, your child is what you eat. That may not be news, but it appears that the effects of your diet while pregnant continue after a child is born.
From Mama’s Achoo! to Baby’s Asthma
Is stopping to smell the roses a bad idea if you’re eight months pregnant? One rose too many might not be advised.