Health News

Every Week Counts – in the Womb
A single week out of the year may not seem like a big deal - unless you're a tiny human waiting to greet the world. For preemies, every week counts.
More Itsy Bitsy Teenie Babies Survive
Modern medicine is improving all the time through research and technology. But it cannot always address every problem – especially with extremely young preemies.
Balancing Medication With Pregnancy
When diseases occur during childbearing years, it’s not always possible to stop treatment for the disease. Doctors and patients must balance the concern for the drug's possible effects on pregnancy with the concern for disease relapse.
Is Pre-Eclampsia Bad for the Heart?
A common pregnancy complication is pre-eclampsia. It involves high blood pressure and has been linked to later heart disease. But not all women with it have the same risks.
Calculate a Baby's Risk of Obesity
More and more has been learned about child obesity in the past few decades. What if we could put all the known risk factors together to get a sense of a child's overall risk of being overweight? We can.
Does Car Pollution Relate to Autism?
With the increase in cases of autism, researchers are constantly looking for possible causes of the condition. A new study looks at whether air pollution from traffic might play a role.
Pregnancy and Cocaine – A Bad Idea
It's challenging enough to raise headstrong toddlers. But toddlers and older kids whose mothers used cocaine during pregnancy? Their behavior can be especially difficult.
Pediatricians Warn of Pesticide Exposure
Residues from pesticides are all around us: in the air, in our food, in dust, in soil. Whether used in farming or in homes, these chemicals can affect children exposed to them.
Babies Yawn in the Womb
Spending nine months in the same small space sure could get boring. So perhaps it's not surprising that scientists have discovered babies yawn in the womb. Of course, the babies are not yawning because they are bored or tired.
Where There's Smoke, Reading Suffers
Women have heard over and over not to smoke while pregnant. But the difference it can make is still sometimes surprising. A very positive surprise when considering children's reading skills.