Health News

You May Be Expecting a Preemie
There are a variety of risk factors for giving birth early. Preemies are at risk for different health problems. So, identifying which women are at risk for having preemies is important for both mom and child.
Ward Off Breast Cancer with Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding your child can do more than provide your child better immunity and great nutrition. It can also reduce your risk of breast cancer.
More Reasons to Nuzzle Your Cute Baby
Who is the most important parent for a child to bond with? Mom? Or Dad? The answer, it seems, is either one or both.
Pregnancy Snores Sound a Warning
A small percentage of the population snores even without having an underlying sleep problem. But a woman who starts snoring during pregnancy may want to talk to her doctor about it.
A Clue Into the Forgetfulness of Old Age
Understanding how and why some people's brains deteriorate as they grow into old age involves many possible factors. It may even be linked to a baby's brain before birth.
Alcoholic Parents: Spacey Kids
Can family history of alcoholism affect brain development? Seems far-fetched, but new research has provided compelling evidence.
Is It a Miscarriage?
Pain or bleeding occurs early in pregnancy for about a third of all women. This may mean the baby won't survive, but not always. A simple test may help you know.
Baby's on the Way — Are You Ready?
The impending arrival of a baby in a household can often increase the tensions as much as it might increase excitement. Knowing how conflict affects mom and dad is valuable.
Peanuts, Pregnancy and Protection
Many women are afraid to eat nuts while they’re pregnant for fear they could cause future allergies for their baby. New research suggests they need not worry.
Baby Language Linked to Mom’s Mood
One of the concerns about taking antidepressants while pregnant is the possible effects on the baby. Surprisingly, these medications may help a baby's language development.