Health News

Real Frogs Not As Kid-Friendly as Kermit
Frogs and snakes may seem like low-maintenance pets for kids. But young children can become sick from contact with reptiles and amphibians.
Being Choosy with Birth Control
Women can choose from a variety of birth control methods, such as the pill, the ring and the patch. The differences between these methods may influence a woman's choice of birth control.
FDA Issues Draft Guidance to Accurately Label Medical Products Not Made with Natural Rubber Latex
The US Food and Drug Administration today issued draft recommendations to medical product manufacturers for providing consumers with accurate information about products that are not made with natural rubber latex (NRL).
Know Your Kidneys and Spread the Word
During National Kidney Month in March, The National Kidney Disease Education Program (NKDEP) seeks to raise awareness about kidney health.
To Screen or Not To Screen
Nobody should be in the dark when it comes to making healthcare decisions. But knowing the risks involved with certain tests may not change a person’s desire to go ahead and screen for disease.
Gonorrhea Rates Way Up in England **bob**
The bugs are fighting back: a certain STD strain has increased resistance to common drug treatments across England and Wales.
How the Medical Bills Stack Up
Sometimes looking at the bill from an emergency room visit can feel more painful than whatever sent you there in the first place. But those numbers can vary – a lot.
Allergies: To Test or Not to Test
So you think you're allergic to something you inhaled, touched or ate. But without any obvious symptoms, it's hard to tell exactly what you're allergic to. And experts say allergy testing may not always be useful.
Heart Test and Therapy Don’ts
When it comes to heart therapies and tests, some patients and doctors have a “more is better attitude.” A group of medical societies have called more than 130 treatments and exams into question.
Mental Health Tied to Domestic Violence
Vulnerable populations, such as those with mental health disorders, may be at higher risk for domestic violence. Mental health patients may need extra help preventing or getting out of domestic violence situations.