Health News

Following the Rx to the Letter – or Not
Patients may not always follow the instructions their doctors provide for prescription medications. In fact, more than half of Americans in a recent study did not.
Rich Products Corporation Recalls Products for E. Coli Risk
Rich Products Corporation of Buffalo, New York, has announced a voluntary recall of certain Farm Rich ® and Market Day ® products.
Juggling Multiple Medications
Too many seniors have been taking trips to the hospital due to bad reactions among multiple prescriptions. Electronic health records may not be the best answer either.
Seniors Not Taking Benzos With Care
Keeping track of when to take which prescriptions can be very confusing. But failing to do so could end in a trip to the hospital. And seniors on psychoactive medications might need to take extra care.
Kids' Injuries Are Falling
Though concern about pediatric injuries has increased in recent years, results from a new study may help parents feel a little more at ease about their kids' safety.
New Baby, Older Mom
Having a baby as you approach middle age can be an unexpected surprise or a long hoped-for blessing. But there are risks to having babies as women grow older.
Bumps in Hip Surgery
Arthroscopy of the hip doesn't involve much cutting into the skin or joint. But going under the knife, even for a minor hip procedure, is not without its risks.
LifeScan Announces Voluntary Recall of All OneTouch Verio IQ Blood Glucose Meters
LifeScan, Inc. is initiating a voluntary recall and replacement for all of its OneTouch ® Verio ® IQ blood glucose meters in the United States, effective immediately.
FDA Approves First Botulism Antitoxin
The US Food and Drug Administration announced today that it has approved Botulism Antitoxin Heptavalent (A, B, C, D, E, F, G)-(Equine) to treat patients showing signs of botulism following documented or suspected exposure to botulinum neurotoxin.
Rain or Shine, Umbrellas Are Fine
Umbrellas aren’t just good for protection from the rain. They can also be a great barrier from the sun. From lacy parasols to sporting favorite team logos, umbrellas make a healthy accessory.