Health News
Retiring to Excessive Drinking
As people enter their senior years, they may not drink quite as much as they did in their wild and crazy youth. But many seniors still may drink more than they should, when it comes to their health.
Retired...From Taking Meds?
Retirement can be a liberating time for many people. But with this huge life transition, people's habits may change. They might even stop taking their medications as prescribed.
Surviving a Cardiac Arrest
For people who suffer from cardiac arrest, a stranger's knowledge may be one of the primary factors determining their chances of survival.
Primary Care Doctor Visits Save Lives
Research has shown that screening cuts the incidence of colorectal cancer. And folks who visit their doctors regularly are more likely to learn about and be referred for colorectal cancer screening. Do these two facts save lives?
What Medical Procedures Are Necessary?
Many common medical procedures are done because they have become the standard. It's important that doctors and patients understand that there may be better options.
Newborn Screening Celebrates 50th Birthday
Once upon a time, when a baby was born, it might be months or years before parents could learn about a serious condition the child had. That all changed in the 1960s with the introduction of newborn screening.
Watching out for Rabies
To many in the US, rabies may seem like something only seen in the movies, but the virus is very much a real life concern. Thankfully, there are steps people can take to reduce the presence of rabies.
The Rising Tide of West Nile
Cases of West Nile virus have been steadily developing across the country this year, continuing even as fall approaches. This mosquito-spread disease has now caused infections in nearly every US state during 2013.
Cancer Preventive Rx Too Risky for Most
Women who are at high risk of developing breast cancer may be prescribed risk-reducing medications. Because some of these medicines have serious side effects, recommendations regarding who should take them have changed.
FDA Requiring Color Changes to Duragesic Pain Patches to Aid Safety
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is requiring color changes to the writing on Duragesic (fentanyl) pain patches so they can be seen more easily.