Health News
Benzo Abuse Appeared Uncommon
While certain medications can be valuable treatment options, they also may come with a risk of dependence and abuse. A recent study looked at the risks related to a type of medication used to treat anxiety and insomnia.
Factors Linked to Fear of Falling
For many seniors, the fear of falling can be nearly as troubling as the act of falling itself. And certain groups of seniors may be more likely to have this fear.
Some Herbal Products May Not be All They Seem
Many people use herbal products as alternatives or supplements to medication. But are they really taking what they think they're taking?
Sunscreen Delivered on Cancer Curbing Promises
For years now, we’ve been told to wear sunscreen to protect our skin from the sun’s harmful rays. Sunscreen keeps you from getting sunburned. But does sunscreen really protect against skin cancer?
Buckling Up While Pregnant
It may sound obvious to say drivers should wear their seatbelts. For pregnant women, however, this warning is especially important to protect their child as well.
Hepatitis Cases Tied to Diet Supplement
Hepatitis, or inflammation of the liver, is often caused by infection with one of the hepatitis viruses. But reports are surfacing of a non-viral form of the disease with connections to a dietary supplement.
Stay Alert for Drive Safely Work Week
Do you have a bad habit of tuning out or getting distracted while you're driving? There's no better time to start being a more attentive driver than now, during Drive Safely Work Week.
Health Information for Everyone
How much time do you spend interpreting and reading over your medication's side effects, dosage instructions or patient consent forms? It doesn’t have to be so difficult.
No Worries for the HPV Vaccine
One of the only vaccines that is known to prevent some forms of cancer is the HPV vaccine. Those who might worry about its safety have no reason to fear.
Possible Salmonella Outbreak in California
A developing outbreak of Salmonella has led health authorities to stress the importance of using the proper temperature when cooking raw foods.