Health News
Ice Pack For Freezing Surgical Pain
Lessening the pain that frequently follows major abdominal surgery is critical as patients begin their recovery. Strong, pain-relieving opioid medications typically are prescribed at the start of that healing process.
Nobel Prize Winning Scientists Announced
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded on Monday to three scientists for their work in looking at how the cell organizes its transportation system.
Day Care Dangers
The need for child care outside the home has become a common fact of life in the US; unfortunately so have injuries that take place in childcare centers. The authors of a new review set out to explore just how common these injuries were.
Skip the Spooky Eyes for Halloween
As you plan this year's Halloween costume, you may want to leave out one accessory - the pair of non-prescription contact lenses.
Raising Awareness about Home Eye Safety
During Home Eye Safety Month, the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) is stressing the importance of eye safety and eye injury prevention.
Shorter Hospital Stay, More Complications?
When patients are checked into a hospital, they are assigned to a team of medical professionals who help them receive the best possible care. But sometimes patients don't complete the recommended treatment plan.
Salty Meals Still on the Menu
Many popular US chain restaurants are claiming to offer healthier menu options in their marketing and ad campaigns, but do their menu items actually live up to these claims?
Surgery Can Get Complicated for Minorities
Patients considering surgery often have a number of things to consider. With a few kinds of surgery, older ethnic minority patients might have extra considerations that older white patients don't need to worry as much about.
Soaking in the Sun's Deadly Rays
Wear sunscreen, stay in the shade, avoid sun during the hottest part of the day: most people know the golden rules of keeping skin healthy and free from cancer. For people who have previously had melanoma, those rules are especially important.
Changing Your Diet for Better Health
High blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, and extra weight all have one thing in common - they can raise a person's risk for heart disease, diabetes and stroke. As it turns out, there is something else they have in common - they can be improved with diet.