Health News

Having a Snack Between Contractions?
Typically, pregnant women are discouraged from eating while in labor because of possible risks. But that "rule" may be loosening some.
Buckling Up While Pregnant
It may sound obvious to say drivers should wear their seatbelts. For pregnant women, however, this warning is especially important to protect their child as well.
Risks of Depression with Pregnancy
More awareness exists today about postpartum depression than in the past. But now women are becoming aware of another concern — prenatal depression.
Small Risk of Diabetes Linked to Fertility Issues
Women who have overcome fertility problems know the joy of finally becoming pregnant. But their infertility history may help them prepare for the pregnancy as well.
C-Section Safe for Twins
Carrying twins may mean a higher risk of pregnancy complications for some women. Often, a mom carrying twins plans for a cesarean section instead of a vaginal delivery.
Growing a Baby in Dirty Air
The environment around a pregnant woman can influence a growing baby. High levels of pollution may be one thing that affects a developing baby.
Pregnancy, High Blood Pressure and Menopause
High blood pressure and menopause can both put women at potential risk for heart disease. It's possible that having high blood pressure while pregnant can affect the severity of menopause.
Can Hormone Therapy Prevent Chronic Illness?
Hormone replacement therapy is often considered for treatment of menopause symptoms. Could it potentially treat more serious conditions?
Menopause, Hot Flashes and Heart Problems
Estrogen — a hormone used to treat symptoms of menopause — has been shown to increase the risk for certain cancers. But other questions about the safety of estrogen therapy remain. For example, is it safe for the heart?
If Goldilocks Had a Baby
By the time a mother's due date nears, she's often more than ready to meet her child and lose the big tummy. But an extra week or two at term may be a good thing.