Health News

Study Linked Tylenol to Developmental Problems
Acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol, is the most popular over-the-counter medication in America. At least one recent study has suggested that pregnant mothers may want to consider an alternative.
How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy
Women have all sorts of decisions to make about their behavior during the months that they are pregnant. Some of their decisions can boost the likelihood of a healthier pregnancy.
Common Chemical in Consumer Goods Tied to Early Birth
Being born too early is a leading cause of death among newborns. So, understanding the causes of preemie births may help doctors prevent more of them.
Take Care of Your Heart for Your Baby
Modern medicine has come a long way in reducing the number of women who die while pregnant or because of pregnancy. But women need to do their part too.
Oral Birth Control Linked to Glaucoma
Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness. And women who use birth control may be at greater risk than those who don't.
Low Birth Weight Babies Living Normal Lives
Babies born very early or with very low birth weights — only a couple pounds — are known to have a higher likelihood of disability. But they may be just fine over the long term.
Little Lungs May Struggle When Born a Little Early
It's already understood that babies born very early are at a higher risk for respiratory problems. Yet even being a week or two early might increase this risk slightly.
Women with No Ovaries at Higher Risk for Diabetes
Diabetes is a common condition for postmenopausal women and is associated with heart disease risk. 
A Mental Health Boon After Menopause?
As a woman approaches menopause, her body experiences a wide range of changes. Some of these changes may relate to her mental health.
Treating Blood Cancer During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is such an exciting time in a woman’s life. She’s caring for herself and the child growing inside her. Sometimes, but not often, this bliss is interrupted with a cancer diagnosis. A recent study looked at treating blood cancers during pregnancy.