Health News
Fighting Infections After Transplant
Kidney transplant patients are at risk of infection, mainly because of the drugs they take after surgery. These patients often get treatment to prevent infection before the symptoms set in.
We Eat Too Much Salt
Add some salt and your meal might taste a little better. But if eating too much salt is bad for your health, is that extra splash of salt really worth it?
Signs of Kidney Disease Severity
As kidney disease gets worse, patients can develop serious health problems, like kidney failure. If doctors and patients know that disease is progressing, they can take steps to stop dangerous or deadly problems.
Modest Incomes in Kidney Transplants
A transplant is a kidney failure patient's best chance at living a long life. Sadly, there are not enough kidneys to go around, even with living kidney donation. Transplant costs may play a role in this shortage.
Low "Good" Cholesterol Bad in Diabetes
If you have diabetes, you could end up having problems in many parts of the body, including the heart, kidneys or eyes. If you want to protect yourself against these problems, you may need to keep a closer eye on your cholesterol.
Popular Antibiotic May Not Be Best
Besides transplant, dialysis is the only way to keep a kidney failure patient alive. While dialysis may be lifesaving, it can lead to infection. Luckily, there are drugs to treat such infections.
Lifetime Risk of Kidney Failure
Rates of kidney failure are on the rise, which could lead to more people in poor health and higher health care costs. To stop these possible problems, we need to better understand our risk of kidney failure.
Cutting Wait Time for New Kidneys
Kidney transplants save lives. But the time it takes to get a new kidney is sometimes the difference between life and death. For some patients, the long wait means more time on dialysis, upping the chance of complications.
Deadly Risk for Some Dialysis Patients
When kidney failure patients are waiting for a transplant, they are put on dialysis. While dialysis replaces the function of the kidneys, it is not a permanent fix. Over time, dialysis patients may face serious problems.
Rituxan May Help With Kidney Disorder
While medications can help people with kidney problems, they are no magic bullet. In some cases, the drugs used to treat kidney disorders can lead to complications just as serious as the original problem.