Health News

Breathing Troubles: Common Causes and Triggers
Like most automatic processes in the body, we usually don’t give our respiratory system much thought until something goes wrong. Here are some conditions that can impede the ability to breath freely.
Poorer People Less Likely to Lose Weight in Healthy Ways
It's notoriously difficult to lose weight. Researchers may have uncovered at least some answers as to why efforts to lose weight are often less successful for those with lower incomes.
Magnets Swallowed by Tots Can Cause Serious Harm
Some young children love to put things in their mouths, and most small items don’t pose too much of a problem. But other items are much more dangerous than they seem and pose a serious risk if swallowed.
Cognitive Costs of Chemical Exposure
Certain laundry detergents, wall paints, patio furniture varnishes and other products for indoor and outdoor home upkeep leach sometimes dangerous fumes. Those fumes’ negative health effects may be lasting.
Many Injuries Associated With Baby Gates
Many parents safeguard their home when they are expecting their first child. But one item meant to keep children safe may also cause them harm.
The Most Common OTC Medications
You walk into a pharmacy and there are hundreds of them — over-the-counter medications aimed at treating a variety of issues and illnesses.

Things to Keep in Your Medicine Cabinet
American families keep a wide range of prescription and non-prescription items in their medicine cabinets, but what is really necessary?
Pfizer Issues Antidepressant Rx Recall
Taking prescribed medication can become a habit that we execute without much thought. But concerns about a medication mix-up may lead some to double-check their labels this week.

Health Benefits of Friendship
Having a social safety net of friends and family provides innumerable benefits that affect your well-being. Here are some ways that having strong relationships can influence your health.

Tips to Wake Up Beautiful
We can't always look like a million bucks first thing in the morning, but these tips can help you wake up on the right side of the bed. #IWokeUpLikeThis