Health News
High Cost of Dental Care at the Hospital
Regular dental visits might take a back seat on the list of priorities, but too many people have been using the ER for dental problems. It’s cheaper to go the dentist than to the ER.
Smoking Hurts The Pancreas Too
Everyone knows that smoking can cause lung cancer. But there are many other less known ill effects being investigated, adding to the list of reasons to ditch the habit.
Dodging Diarrhea with Zinc
Diarrhea is one of the most common illnesses to occur in babies and young children. For babies who get it a lot, there may be an option to help reduce or prevent diarrhea.
The Good, the Bad, and the 'Difficile'
There is such a thing as good bacteria. And they can be helpful when upset stomachs call for constant bathroom trips.
OTC Gels Ease Minor Toothaches
A recent clinical trial tested the effectiveness of two strengths of over-the-counter pain relieving gels for the temporarily ease the pain of a minor toothache.
The results of this study found that both maximum and regular strength gels helped relieve toothaches compared to a benzocaine free gel.
See a dentist for long-term toothaches.
Elliot V. Hersh, MD, PhD, professor of pharmacology in the Department of Oral Surgery and Pharmacology at the School of Dental Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, led an investigation into the use of topical over-the-counter (OTC) gels to rel...
Few Changes in GI Bleeding Causes
Vomit lined with blood and blood found in feces are signs of a major condition happening inside the body. But what causes that bleeding?
Pregnant with Bowel Trouble, But It's Ok
Women who plan on becoming pregnant can also plan for bodily changes in other areas, including bowel movements, or lack there of. Could these changes impact a pregnant woman's quality of life?
Smoking Seeps Deep Into The Mouth
It’s no secret that smoking is bad for the gums. But the harms of smoking may reach even deeper into the oral bone and prevent healing from gum disease.
Monitoring Heartburn and the Wallet
While heart burn pains the chest, the costs of certain medicines to ease that pain can shrink the pocket book over time. A method that keeps an eye on reflux symptoms could save patients' cash.
Heartburn May Fuel Throat Cancer
Smoking and heavy alcohol consumption have been linked to the development of throat cancer. Frequent heartburn also has been added to that list of potential culprits in the disease.