Health News
Mom, My Tummy Hurts!
Gluten-free diets have become very popular for kids with autism. Some parents report a gluten-free diet has improved both their kid’s tummy issues and behavior.
More Pounds Means More Risk of Stones
Gallstones can be incredibly painful, especially if a person regularly gets them. While overweight individuals are more prone to get gallstones, it has not been clear if being overweight is what causes them.
Doctor Visits in the Comfort of Your Home
What if you could get medical care without leaving your home? Or without wasting time in the waiting room? Telehealth can make it happen with virtual clinic "visits."
Dentists Need to Know Your Supplements
As dietary supplements have become more popular in the United States, there is growing concern about their safety. One question is whether these supplements could be harmful when taken with other medications.
More Pain than Help to the Liver
Medicines are to be taken as directed. Though they are intended to help, certain meds can be more taxing on the liver than others. In some cases, the wrong medicine can cause serious damage.
Digestive System Woes for Children
Inflammatory bowel diseases are painful conditions that affect the digestive tract, often the small intestine and colon. More children appear to be suffering from these conditions.
Can't Have an Omelette, but can Still Get the Flu Shot
The flu vaccine is one vital part of reducing your risk of flu. But what if you're allergic to eggs, which are used to make flu vaccines? There's a new option for you.
Eating Away at IBS Pain
Irritable bowel syndrome — even the name of this condition conveys the unpleasant nature of its symptoms. Fortunately for most people with irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, small changes to their diet, nutrition and eating habits can go a long way in easing symptoms.
Parts Can Equal the Whole Liver
That call about your child's liver transplant can lift one of many burdens. And whether it's a whole or partial liver, the success rates are about the same.
More Dental Check-ups Better Than Fewer
It may seem like a hassle to go to the dentist for regular check-ups. But staying on top of dental health can help people keep their natural teeth, especially smokers and diabetics.