Health News
Mouthwash for Sensitive Teeth
If you have sensitive teeth, you know that it can be a pain — literally. New research shows that a certain mouthrinse could provide relief for people with dental sensitivity.
Heat Waves Can Stir Up Tummy Troubles
Excessive heat can be both physically and emotionally draining. Besides being a nuisance, heat waves can also cause certain conditions to flare up.
Reducing Tooth Decay in Children
Children tend to have a difficult time maintaining a clean mouth. And an unclean mouth can lead to a host of dental problems, including tooth decay. With that in mind, researchers recently set out to see if fluoride varnish was effective and safe for preventing tooth decay in children and teens.
New IBS Rx for Diarrhea Relief
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be a literal pain in the gut. IBS symptoms such as diarrhea, tummy aches and cramps can negatively impact quality of life.
Managing to Avoid Esophageal Cancer
If you’ve ever had heartburn, you know it can be very uncomfortable. Ongoing heartburn, a symptom of acid reflux, can progress to a condition called Barrett esophagus, which can eventually lead to cancer. A recent literature review analyzed the best way to manage Barrett esophagus to avoid cancer.
Teens' Tobacco Use and Their Oral Health
Some teens hoping to avoid the harmful effects of cigarette smoking may try smokeless tobacco products instead. But using these products also carries significant health risks like oral cancer.
New Rx for IBD When Other Treatments Fail
Inflammatory bowel diseases are usually treated by suppressing the immune system. But a weakened immune system can put patients at risk for other health problems. A new treatment being tested may be effective and have fewer negative effects than current therapies.
Oral Health May be Linked to Oral Cancers
Cancers that show up in the mouth, tongue, throat and voice box have been increasing. A viral infection is behind some of this trend. Now, scientists have a better understanding of what may contribute to these infections.
More Fiber, Less Tummy Trouble
With inflammatory bowel disease, the immune system attacks the body’s cells instead of foreign cells, causing severe tummy trouble. It has been suggested that a high-fiber diet may help keep these diseases at bay.
Pain Relief After Wisdom Teeth Removal
After a person has their wisdom teeth pulled, pain management is the next step. Prescription painkillers alone may not be as effective as an over-the-counter combo.