Don't Drink, Drink, Drink!
A recent editorial in the Canadian Medical Association Journal  states that binge drinking is an excessively common practice in the United States.
Choosing the Healthier Option... Or Not
Various US cities are trying to improve the health of their citizens by focusing on fast food chains. An effort in King County, WA attempted to change consumer behavior by requiring fast food restaurants to display nutrition facts on their menus.
Your Health Class Starts Early
After following 111 individuals from infancy through adulthood, researchers have found that infants who are enrolled in intensive early education programs are more likely to have better health and health behaviors later in life.
Racial Disparities Among Colorectal-Cancer Screening
Minorities are much less likely to undergo colonoscopies than caucasians, according to a new study form the University of California at David Cancer Center.
Flipping Off Inflammation
A "master switch" protein in white blood cells has been found to influence whether the cells promote or hinder inflammation, according to a new study.
Sweet News About Salt Retention
Researchers at University of Texas Health Science Center-San Antonio have shown how an essential function of the kidneys regulates blood pressure, which could lead to better treatments for hypertension.
HPV's Death-Defying Devices
Scientists have unraveled the two deadly weapons that make the human papillomavirus (HPV) able to lie dormant in the body for years, leading to chronic infection and even cancer.
Rubber Rubbing You the Wrong Way?
A study from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden finds that repeated exposure to certain rubber products can cause allergic skin reactions in people.
The Price of a Good Night's Rest
Popular sleep-inducing medications that also impair balance are becoming a serious concern for older adults due to falling which leads to debilitating injuries.
A Better Future
A three-drug preventative treatment proves effective in reducing transmission of HIV from breastfeeding, according to a recent study by the World Health Organization in Africa.