The FDA's High Hopes for 2011
The FDA recently revealed its new plan for 2011 to speed up the availability of medical devices by improving review processes and establishing a new council of senior FDA experts.
Math + Biology = World - Malaria
Mathematical models are proving to be effective in the fight against malaria, a parasitic disease that currently claims around one million lives every year.
Following Up on Melanoma
A follow-up program designed for patients at high risk of developing melanoma has been found to improve early-detection rates and prognoses.
Are You a Candidate for Refractive Eye Surgery?
Patients who wish to undergo elective refractive eye surgery must meet a number of criteria before they can be considered for the procedure.
Diesel in the Air
Researchers from Duke University have discovered how nanoparticles in diesel fumes can harm cells in the lungs.
Snoring Away Your Money
A study by the University of Copenhagen analyzed the economic consequences and personal financial toll that sleep-related breathing disorders take on society and individual patients suffering from these problems.
Viral Quackery may be the best place to watch a squirrel water ski or would-be American Idols warble their way through Lady Gaga tunes, but it's is not the best place to catch up on CPR tips.
Stimulating Effects
Deep brain stimulation has proven beneficial for some treatment-resistant cases of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), depressive disorders and Tourette syndrome.
Texas Hold 'Em - Responsible
A Texas district court has ordered a permanent injunction against Deltex Pharmaceuticals for violating FDA regulations and manufacturing unapproved and misbranded products.
Lights, Camera, Intestines!
Scientists in Germany have developed a more patient-friendly approach to inner-stomach imaging, using magnets to guide tiny swallowable cameras in patients with stomach cancer.