Diabetes Rx may Slow Prostate Cancer
Metformin is usually and commonly prescribed for diabetes. Research continues to show this medication may have a number of other uses, including slowing cancer growth.
Ovarian Cancer Responds!
Chemotherapy usually is most effective in attacking and killing fast-growing cancer cells. That's why it's not particularly useful in treating slow-growing ovarian cancers. Researchers are working to overcome this.
Vit D may Take gas Pedal off Prostate Cancer
Lately, vitamin D has been a darling natural supplement for a number of health conditions and illnesses. These findings haven't been without controversy, though. A new study looks at vitamin D and prostate cancer.
Sleep Apnea Linked to Depression
Obstructive sleep apnea - when a person doesn't breathe properly and consistently while asleep - has been linked to a long list of health issues. Add depression to that list.
Dog Day Afternoon - at Work
If you're feeling dog-tired at your dog-eat-dog workplace, consider asking the top dog for a special kind of stress relief - permission to bring your pet dog to work with you.
New Light on Pre-Eclampsia Cause
The cause of one of the most common pregnancy complications - pre-eclampsia - is still a mystery to researchers, but new research has identified another piece of the puzzle.
Untold Story: Cancer Rx & Heart Damage
The toxic side effects of some cancer medications are well-known. They can cause everything from nausea and hair loss to joint pain and fatigue. One very serious side effect is being under-reported and jeopardizing patients.
Digital Books Engage Young Readers
Keeping students engaged has always been a teacher’s challenge. With mobile devices and games more prevalent than ever, it is only getting more difficult. However, the same technology may help students enjoy reading.
Stress Tied to Heart Inflammation
Individuals exposed to a higher number of stressful traumatic events in their lives may be more likely to suffer higher levels of cardiovascular inflammation later in life.