Altuzan Counterfeit FDA Warning
FDA lab tests have confirmed that a counterfeit version of Roche’s Altuzan 400mg / 16ml ( bevacizumab ),an injectable cancer medication, found in the U.S. contains no active ingredient.
Annual Mammograms may not be Enough
In the constantly swirling debate about breast cancer screenings, recommendations are always changing. The controversies surround age to start mammograms, frequency and whether to have mammograms at all.
Meditate the Pain Away
Those with hectic or stressful jobs may find themselves overwhelmed by anxiety, depression, or stress. Now, scientists are measuring the possible mental health benefits of secular meditation programs.
Breaking the Spread of Bone Cancer
The most common form of bone cancer in kids is osteosarcoma . If it's caught and treated earlier, the outlook is pretty good. If it has spread to the lungs, the prospects aren't so good. A team of researchers may have found a life-saving way to prevent this cancer from moving.
Weighing Heavy on Prostate Cancer Return
Having excess pounds compromises the health and well-being of men, women and children. This fact has been proven time and again. Being overweight or obese not only increases one's risk of most chronic diseases, it also complicates recovery.
Anti-Cancer Combo: Caffeine + Exercise
Is coffee good for you or bad for you? More precisely, is caffeine helpful or hurtful to your health? It's been a steaming hot debate for years. A new study suggests that sipping away could nip away at your cancer risks.
Pat Yourselves on the Back, America
Overall, Americans appear to be doing all right when it comes to nutrient levels. U.S. diets aren't necessarily top-notch in terms of healthiness, but malnutrition isn't high either.
Diabetes Drug may be Liver Cancer Hard Hat
People with diabetes are often prescribed metformin , a drug that actually does most of its work in the liver. This very mechanism could extend the usage of this drug as a possible cancer treatment.
Understanding PTSD
Though surely around for as long as man has encountered trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was not recognized by the American Psychiatric Association until the third edition of the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) was published in 1980.
Dietitians Practice What They Preach
They say if you want the best plate in the house, you should order what the chef eats. The same might be said for following the eating and health habits of registered dietitians.