Understanding Rosacea
Suffering from rosacea, a chronic often progressive skin condition that causes acne-like redness on the face, is socially crippling for many who suffer from the medical condition. Even more frustrating is that while there are treatments to manage it, there is still no known cause or cure for rosacea. Steven R. Feldman, MD, PhD, a professor of dermatology, pathology and public health sciences at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, said there are many thoughts about what might cause the condition, but still no known cause. April has been designated Rosacea Awareness Month by the National ...
Peanut-Free Ball Games
Baseball may be America's pastime but allergies are preventing some families from going to the games. Luckily, stadiums are becoming friendlier for those with peanut allergies. Most know the lyrics to “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” by Jack Norworth , including the part that goes, “buy me some peanuts and Crackerjacks.” For some families, a peanut allergy can make going to a game impossible. Many teams have recognized this and are offering allergy free trips to the ballgame. Peanut-free Fun at the Ballpark Peanuts are a common snack inside a stadium alongside Crackerj...
Breastfed Babies Get All the Good Germs
Want to hear another reason breastfeeding is more beneficial for a baby than formula-feeding? Apparently, breastfed babies get more of the good germs partying in their tummies.
Texting and Driving: Not Smart
With many states passing laws against texting while driving, some claim that the laws will make driving more dangerous because drivers will conceal their phones. However, a new study tells a different story. The study, initiated by high school students, found that drivers make more driving mistakes while texting. They are more likely to drift from their lane, be unaware of accident hazards, and speed whether or not they were concealing their phone. Texting while driving increases your risk of being in an accident. "Any texting while driving has an adverse impact on driving p...
Will You Eat Better When Baby Arrives?
Planning a family? Thinking you might finally start eating healthier because a little one is watching your dietary habits? Parenthood may not change those habits as much as you'd like. A long-term study looking at the impact of having children on the eating habits of their parents found that starting a family does not necessarily lead mom and dad to eat healthier diets. Deciding to eat better is a win-win decision. Helena Laroche , MD, of the University of Iowa and the Iowa City VA Medical Center, and colleagues wanted to know whether the popular idea that parents may decide to ...
Reduce Serious Birth Defects
Adding folic acid to tortillas and other products can reduce the risk for birth defects, says a new petition recently filed with a federal agency.  A petition filed with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) argues that fortifying corn masa flour products with the B vitamin folic acid can help reduce serious birth defects of the brain and spine. The groups behind the petition believe that mandating folic acid fortification of the products will especially help prevent birth defects in one high-risk group: Hispanic babies. Since 1998, when the FDA started regulating folic a...
Words Not Fists
Ever wonder why some kids fight and some kids don’t? There are exceptions to every rule, but parental attitudes towards physical violence plays a role in kid’s fighting behavior. A recent study asked why some children fight while others walk away. Results suggest that kids learn a lot about fighting from their parent’s examples and beliefs. Talk to your kids about conflict resolution instead of fighting. Rashmi Shetgiri MD., Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, and her team studied 65 teens from the Dallas Independent ...
Who Wants to Live in California?
California needs to clean up its act. Air quality findings by the American Lung Association (ALA) saw California cities dominating the top of the lists for three significant categories.
Pregnant Moms' Narcotic Use Increasing
The use of opiate drugs among pregnant women has more than quadrupled from 2000 to 2009 - which has led to approximately one baby being born every hour with signs of drug withdrawal. The rate of babies born in 2009 with neonatal abstinence syndrome is approximately three times the rate in 2000, and the increase has had even greater impact because of increased costs associated with the condition, according to a recent study. Ask a therapist about drug addition programs. Neonatal abstinence syndrome is a complex condition in newborns that includes a range of problems resulting fro...
Breast Cancer Screenings Controversy Continues
Cancer screening guidelines and recommendations are utterly confusing. For example, if you're a woman in your 40s , do you have mammography or not? A review of a massive amount of data may help you have a more informed discussion with your doctor about what's best for you. In looking at the benefits and harms of breast cancer screenings in women aged 40-49, a group of researchers has determined that two risk factors are most important to consider - the type of breast tissue a woman has and her family history. For women who have these risks, every-other-year screening may be a go...