Depression may Increase Risk of Dementia
Depression is fairly common in older adults, and older adults with dementia may also suffer from depression. There may be a link between depression and risk of developing dementia.  
Antidepressants in the ICU
In conjunction with other serious illnesses, antidepressant use may not be as safe as previously thought. A new study scratches the surface of possible risk factors with antidepressant use.
No More PSA Testing - Why?
Following a period of public discussion, the final official recommendation has been made to stop using the PSA test to screen for prostate cancer.
MS Patients Should Evaluate Unproven Treatments
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning of possible risks associated with liberation therapy, an unproven multiple sclerosis (MS) treatment.
Look Away from the Needle
Does looking at the needle when you’re getting a shot or giving blood make it hurt more? There may be actual science behind the old saying, “Don’t look and it won’t hurt”.
Half of Overweight Teens at Early Heart Risk
A soaring increase in the number of teenagers suffering from diabetes means that more than a third of presumably healthy normal-weight adolescents are at risk of heart disease.
Shedding New Light on Pancreatic Cancer
One of the reasons pancreatic cancer is among the more difficult cancers to treat is because the organ is difficult to reach. It's nestled inside the intestines and by the time a biopsy is performed, the cancer is usually advanced.
Smoking on the Decline?
The youth population picking up a smoking habit is a serious concern. It's a good thing that prevention efforts to keep adolescents from starting to smoke may actually be working.
Breaking News on Bone Drugs
They're designed to strengthen bones. This class of drugs known as bisphosphorates is also prescribed to cancer patients to treat excessive calcium in the blood. These drugs can actually increase the risks of unusual bone fractures.
Cholesterol Drugs Better Stroke Outcome
Taking cholesterol-lowering statins following a stroke appears to reduce a patient's chance of dying in the hospital and improves their likelihood of returning home when they are discharged.