Bipolar Teens may Have Mania but no Depression
Bipolar disorder is usually thought of cycling between highs and lows.  A new study shows that teens may be at risk for having mania without the depression, and this might hinder detection of the disorder.
A Rainy Forecast for Diabetes
Diabetes is one of the most serious health issues in the United States. Current trends suggest that the medical and social costs of diabetes will be huge in just 10 years. Healthy choices can change this trend.
Living with OCD
Most people occasionally get a little obsessive about double-checking - how many times do you check for your ticket on the way to the airport? However, when this behavior goes from occasional and preventative to extreme and disruptive, it could be obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Heart Risk Often Overlooked in RA Patients
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients are at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease, yet not all doctors are considering the added heart risk, a new study reveals.
Heart Attack Care Now More Available
Time is of the essence when a heart attack occurs, and hospitals appear to be making strides to ensure quicker treatment. A new study shows that heart attack patients are being transferred and treated faster, which can lead to better outcomes.
Combo Drugs Not Effective for Blood Stream Infection
Patients with severe sepsis, a serious type of blood stream infection, were not found to benefit from a dual antibiotic treatment. Organ failure was not found to improve compared to those taking only one drug.
Gum Disease and Bedroom Bummer for Men
Living with erectile dysfunction, or impotence, can be a huge blow to a man's ego and, in some cases, his health. If doctors know who is at risk, they can take steps to stop erection problems.
Baby Boomers: Get Tested for Hep C
Are you a member of the baby boomer generation? Next time you go to the doctor, they may recommend getting tested for hepatitis C.
Get a Mood Boost From Walking
Nature walks can help memory and cognition by clearing the mind. Walking in general can help depressive symptoms regardless of setting.
A Bigger Mama Means a Bigger Baby
Worried about having to push an exceptionally large baby come delivery day? One thing you can do to make this less likely is to be a normal weight before you're pregnant.